Firefox It’s Been Nice Knowing You

I recently dumped Firefox 7 and relegated Firefox to the occasionally used computer corner where I store all my various testing tools. After sending several emails to Mozilla, blogging about how terrible the new release is and tweeting about it…I heard not a peep, zero, zippo. Which is strange. It’s rare these days to not hear anything back from an organization, especially when you make a complaint on social media that’s backed by a blog post. I supposed I’m just one small voice in the sea of millions.

So, I’ve done what consumers do and voted with my feet. I dumped Mozilla in favor of Chrome, which has been elevated to the lofty status of what they call the “Default” browser.  I’m still getting used to Chrome and recently had some issues with accidentally closing tabs. And, it’s developer tools are a bit more rustic than Firebug or httpfox’s polished functionality. But, it does seem faster and it’s definately more stable.

So, that’s that. The browser wars continue, especially on the mobile front. By the way, I did briefly try Firefox mobile but dumped that also because the work flows were too ackward. There will be dozens of new browser updates in the next year, who knows what new excitement is in store.

10 Essentials for developing commercial Flex 4.5.1 mobile applications

This post is for Adobe Flex/Actionscript/Flash developers who are looking to build commercial-grade mobile apps. I’ve tried to pull together a high-level check list of items you’ll need to build successful and stable apps based on Flex 4.5.1. I’ve also uploaded a fully-functional prototype that demonstrates these concepts in a real-time, GPS navigation app. You can download the app here. So, here goes.

1. Set your initial splashScreenImage and application icon. For your app to look professional you’ll want to display an image while it launches so there isn’t just a blank screen. Here’s a great blog post that goes into more detail and covers handling multiple screen resolutions. One caveat on the splashScreenMinimumDisplayTime property is use this with caution. If you delay the app start too much you run the risk of really annoying users.

<s:TabbedViewNavigatorApplication xmlns:fx=""

And, be sure to set the application icon. When you install your app, this is the image that will be displayed in the phone’s UI. Configure this in the yourappname-app.xml file. Note if you image icon isn’t the absolute correct size you’ll get a compiler error:


2. Manage your applications life-cycle. The best article to read is the old but still very useful Hero View and ViewNavigator  – Functional and Design Specification and this blog post on Understanding View and ViewNavigator. For some reason the ViewNavigatorEvent poperties listed below aren’t documented in the Adobe on-line help. I’ve complained and so should you!

  • viewActivate Event – called when the view is fully activated. It actually happens after the creationComplete event. If you want to know more about view states in general then read this Adobe article.
  • viewDeactivate Event – use this in a View if you want to handle certain things when the user changes to a different View and the current one has been deactivated.
  • removing Event – This is called right before the viewDeactivate Event. So if there is something you want to do right before the view is fully deactivated then use this event.
  • persistNavigatorState – This property works at the application level and allows you to save the navigator’s view stacks and navigation history to a local persistent object. This is a property that is set in the main application’s mxml file and by default it is set to false. The standard architecture of a mobile app is to destroy the view contents when a user switches views so that the application saves memory. But, if there is a significant cost to destroying and recreating a particular view then you should test setting this property to never. Cost in this case means the amount of time, memory and CPU it takes to destroy and recreate a view. Also, if your end user is repeating this over and over that will ultimately affect battery life. Once a view is destroyed my guess is that memory is set for garbage collection. For info see this very informative Adobe blog post.
    <s:TabbedViewNavigatorApplication xmlns:fx=""
  • destructionPolicy – This is a property that can be set on individual views and can prevent an individual view from having all its data destroyed when the view is deactivated. For example, you may allow some views to be destroyed where others are mission critical and shouldn’t be destroyed because it’s too expensive to recreate them. As I write this, I believe this only works if the persistNavigatorState property has been set but it’s been a while since I verified that.
    <s:View xmlns:fx=""

3. Manually changing views. Use pushView(), popView(), popToFirstview(), popAll() and replaceView().

  • pushView() navigates the user to a new screen.
  • Use popView() to move back to the previous screen.
  • popToFirstView() changes to the screen to the very first view that was opened. This is programmatically referred to as the view at the bottom of the view stack and uses the FIFO principal.
  • popAll() returns a blank screen. I’ve never used this and I haven’t come across a use case (yet) that would require given the user a blank screen.
  • replaceView() removes the current view and replaces it in the view stack with the new view you that you assign.

4. Passing data between views. One of the requirements of commercial apps is sharing data between different views. There are a number of ways to do this including singletons, dependency injection and using the data property in the pushView() method. Here are some good articles on all three:

  • Using singletons or tightly coupling data. This is typical for prototyping where you don’t want or need the overhead of a full framework. The prototype app download (link at top of page) uses a singleton model for simplicity.
  • Using framework-based, dependency injection. Use this when you want to use a framework such as Swiz, Parsely or Robotlegs.
  • Using the pushView() data property. When you have fairly simple data needs use this via the pattern pushView(viewClass:Class, data:Object = null, context:Object = null, transition:spark.transitions:ViewTransitionBase = null) Note that this pattern is for basic usage and the data object only supports standard content within the object such as Strings, Array, ArrayCollection, etc. If you have a custom class be sure to register them with the registerClassAlias() method or you’ll get runtime errors when you go to switch views.

5. Set application permissions.These are root permissions that are set via manifestAdditions for Android and infoAdditions for iOS – and these are located in the yourappname-app.xml file in your application’s root directory. Here’s an Adobe article with additional details. When the application is installed the user will be alerted to what permissions you are asking for.

          <manifest android:installLocation="auto">
	       <!--See the Adobe AIR documentation for more information about setting Google Android permissions-->
	       <uses-permission android:name="android.permission.INTERNET"/>
	       <uses-permission android:name="android.permission.WRITE_EXTERNAL_STORAGE"/>
	       <uses-permission android:name="android.permission.ACCESS_FINE_LOCATION"/>
	       <uses-permission android:name="android.permission.DISABLE_KEYGUARD"/>
               <uses-permission android:name="android.permission.WAKE_LOCK"/>
               <uses-permission android:name="android.permission.ACCESS_NETWORK_STATE"/>
               <uses-permission android:name="android.permission.ACCESS_WIFI_STATE"/>

6. Shutdown the app. This only works on Android. On iOS, the user has to do this manually.


7. Temporarily disable the screen saver. This is required in apps where you don’t want the screen to go to sleep such as navigation apps where it may be open for a long time without any user intervention. You also need to set the WAKE_LOCK permission in the manifest file.

<uses-permission android:name="android.permission.WAKE_LOCK"/>


//Make sure we are on a mobile device and then
//keep the application awake so it doesn't go to sleep and close the screen.                                                      
if(Capabilities.cpuArchitecture == "ARM")
     NativeApplication.nativeApplication.systemIdleMode = SystemIdleMode.KEEP_AWAKE;                                                                            

8. Detecting when phone rotates. If you need to know when the phone rotates use this listener:


9. Gracefully fail when network connection is lost. If your app needs network access then it’s a best practice to gracefully fail and let the user know when internet connection is lost and then again when it’s restored.

public function NetworkChangeController(autoStart:Boolean = false)
    var req:URLRequest = new URLRequest(_MAP_URL);
    _urlMonitor = new URLMonitor(req);


private function networkChangeHandler(event:Event):void

private function serviceMonitorStatusHandler(event:StatusEvent):void
     trace("Network Status Event: " + event.code + ", " + _urlMonitor.available);
     event.code == "Service.unavailable" ? _doSomething = false : _doSomething = true;

10. Multiple Device Support –sizing for different dpi’s. Last, but not least is using CSS and media queries to help with sizing and layout. Media queries are actually part of the W3C core CSS spec. The cool thing about them is they let you auto-majically detect the users screen dpi (dots-per-inch) and operating system and adjust your CSS accordingly. This saves a huge amount of work on your part:

@namespace s "library://";
/* DPI specific styles */

@media (application-dpi:240)

@media (application-dpi:320)

/* Platform specific styles */
@media (os-platform:"IOS")

@media (os-platform:"Android")

A whole new world for app developers – it’s raining cats and browsers!

Holy smokes – how do we support all these different browser types and versions? I’ve been thinking about this for a while, but after attending the AdobeMAX conference this week I got to talk with other developers facing the same issues.  The web app world used to fairly simple: develop for the one or two major browsers running on desktop computers and you were done. We still grumbled a lot and had cross-browser problems that at the time were really annoying. And now we have to deal with not only desktop computers and laptops, but there are also dozens of different mobile browsers and hundreds of new tablet style devices. To make things even more interesting the pace at which new versions of browsers and mobile operating systems are being released is at an unprecedented (and perhaps unsustainable) rate.

What to do, what to do, what to do?  Well if we step back and look at this holistically, there are a few things to consider that can help lay the ground work for building apps in these crazy times. That will help you make better technical business decisions.

For web apps:

  1. What browsers and browser versions your customers are using? How often do you analyze this? If you don’t use a monitoring/analytics tool for this you can always download a free tool to analyze your web server logs. I’ve used Google Analytics in past, but there are plenty of other choices.
  2. What percentages of your visitors are using a particular browser version? Break down your stats again by the browser version. If you still have a large percentage of customers using IE 6 then you might want to consider continuing to support it.
  3. What percentage of your customers use mobile versus non-mobile?
  4. What percentage of customers are from your country? If most of your customers from outside your country then you’ll also have to include localization code.
  5. What type of device is each web site visitor using? Mobile devices can have vastly different screen resolutions and sizes.
  6. Which browsers represent visitors/customers that make you the most money? This is a very important number to know and getting this information can be a bit more involved than the other questions. If you mess up support for these group(s) you’ll really cause yourself business problems.

For native apps:

  1. Have you reviewed your marketplace stats page? One example is the Android Market offers application stats such as platform versions, devices, countries of origin, languages, etc.

What if you haven’t launched your app or website yet? If this is the case, then check out some of public tracking sites for hints. Some good places to start looking are: w3schools and Wikipedia which lets you drill down into different browser versions.  For mobile apps, most IDEs let you set up various layout scenarios that relate to rough categories of dpi (dots per inch). For example, here is an article from Adobe on Flex mobile development and handling different mobile device screen resolutions.

How do I interpret this information? In general, you want to have support for browsers and operating systems that the majority of your customers use. One example is in the retail/consumer industry you absolutely have to support what your customers use. If the vast majority of your customers use Internet Explorer then you will need to support IE or you will lose customers and money. If the vast majority of your visitors use Android, but your biggest spenders use iPhones then take that into your development considerations. If your website or application performs poorly for a small percentage of very high-spending customers then it could cost you your business. If you are lucky enough to have commercial customers consuming an internal-only application, or if you have an ultra-niche audience that only uses a single browser or smart phone operating system then you already have your answer. You build to suit their needs.

Any further advice? Test, test, test and then test some more on real devices and different versions of browsers. Emulators and simulators are not an adequate substitute for real-world checking. If you are a small shop, enlist family, friends and neighbors to test. Have them check out our app or website for a few minutes while they relax in the evening. You can also buy after market handsets on eBay and other places, just be careful that if a deal is too good to be true you probably shouldn’t purchase it. The reality is there are so many devices nowadays that you simply can’t test them all. So, pay special attention to feedback in your market place listing or on your forums.