3 Steps for Determining if Your Website is Mobile Ready

Here are three step for helping determine the mobile ready strengths and weaknesses of your existing website. I’ve had a number of conversations from website teams recently asking the question: “Can we reuse our existing site for mobile users?” I was surprised to learn that the individuals asking me the question had, in fact, never visited their own site on a mobile device.

Note, this blog describes steps that need to be address before you decide whether to build for the web or native applications.

Step One – Create a small focus group of company outsiders, friends as well as employees.

  • Gather as many different types of mobile devices as possible including: iPad, iPhone, Android tablet, and several varieties of Android phones. Try to use a combination of older and newer devices. Don’t fool yourself by simply using all of the latest great versions, especially if your web visitors are the general public.
  • Get a mobile projector, such an Elmo or IPEVO.
  • Write down the common use cases, and the workflows associated with them. An example use case might be logging in to your site. And, a workflow would describe the steps a user takes to complete the login process  from beginning to the end.
  • Visit your website and run through the common use cases.
  • Turn off wireless, if possible, and let everyone experience typical internet speeds to simulate, for example, standing in line at the grocery store.
  • Trade off using different devices.
  • Hire a user interface (UX) designer if you don’t already have one. Bring them on board at the beginning, or as early as possible, in this evaluation process.

Step Two – Create a grading system to help assess the experience everyone had with each device.

  • Were you able to accomplish your task as easily and quickly as if you were at your desk with a full-size laptop or computer?
  • Did you have to do a lot of extra panning and zooming in and out to navigate through the use cases and workflows?
  • Was there any functionality that simply didn’t work, didn’t work correctly, or didn’t work as expected on the mobile device?
  • Were there any aspects of the site that looked different or wrong? For example, was all the text the right size? Was everything in the right place?
  • Were you satisfied with the amount of time it took for pages and images to load?
  • Were you able to comfortably use the site when rotating the phone between landscape and portrait views?
  • Were you okay with how quickly you were able to switch between different pages on the website?
  • Were you able to access secure resources without any problems?
  • And, perhaps most importantly, were there any obvious improvements you would like to see made to make mobile surfing experience better?

Step 3. Apply some commonly known mobile-specific conditions to your findings and see if helps to provide context to everyone’s experience.

  • One-handed plus gestures. It’s a fact that navigating a mobile web is significantly different from a desktop browser. There’s no mouse! Mobile browsing is usually done with one hand, while the other hand is used to hold the device. The screen is driven by what are called gestures. Examples of gestures are when you swipe your thumb upward on a page to scroll it downward, or when you use two fingers, usually the index finger and thumb, to pinch zoom the screen in or out.
  • Smaller Screens. And, of course the screens are much smaller than what you would find on a desktop or laptop. Different devices have different resolutions. And, navigating a full website can seem more cumbersome as you use gestures to navigate around, in comparison to the desktop experience of seeing the entire page, and using your a precision mouse to whip through the different links on a page.
  • Download Speeds. Download speeds on mobile devices vary considerably compared to your work machine hooked up to a reliable local area network (LAN). A site that seems zippy on your work machine, may load much differently on a typical smartphone. Also, for some older phones they may have much less processor power and that may lead to the perception of slower download speeds as the CPU chugs through displaying the page.

How do I interpret the results?

When you are done compile, discuss and analyze the findings with your internal teams and stakeholders.

Good. If most testers successfully navigated the majority of use cases and workflows then you are in good shape, and you may simply need to do some additional tweaking to your site.

Not so good. However, if most testers had unsatisfactory experiences then you’ll need to spend more time looking more closely as what worked and what didn’t work. You may find workflows that are great on a desktop machine that are clumsy and awkward on a mobile device.

Don’t be surprised. Portions of your site may have to be redesigned. You may not be able to include everything that’s in your full site into your mobile site. You may have to spend a lot of time optimizing the site to speed up page load times. Pay special attention to functionality that didn’t work on mobile. Mobile web browsers have well known limitations compared to full browsers. Looking at what didn’t work may help you decide if you need access to native device capabilities.

You’ve just taken a huge first step towards helping your team set the stage for stepping into the mobile world.

Troubleshooting multi-threading problems related to Android’s onResume()

This post is a continuation of a previous post I wrote about best practices for using onResume(). I found a particularly testy bug that caused me 2 hours of pain time to track down. The tricky part was it would only show up when there was no debugger attached. Right away this told me it was a threading problem. I suspected that the debugger slowed things down just enough that all the threads could complete in the expected order, but not the actual order that occurred when running the device in stand-alone mode.

The test case. This is actually a very common workflow, and perhaps so common that we just don’t think about it much:

  • Cold start the application without a debugger attached. By cold start I mean that the app was in a completely stopped, non-cached state.
  • Minimize the app like you are going to do some other task.
  • Open the app again to ensure that onResume() gets called.

Now, fortunately I already had good error handling built-in. I kept seeing in logcat and a toast message that a java.lang.NullPointerException was occuring. What happened next was troubleshooting a multi-threaded app without the benefit of a debugger. Not fun. I knew I had to do it because of the visibility of the use case. I couldn’t let this one go.

How to narrow down the problem. The pattern I used to hunt down the bug was to wrap each line of code or code block with Log messages like this.

setLocationListener(true, true);

Then I used the following methodology starting inside the method were the NullPointerException was occurring. I did this step-by-step, app rebuild by app rebuild, through the next 250 lines of related code:

  1. Click debug in Eclipse to build the new version of the app that included any new logging code as shown above, and load it on the device.
  2. Wait until the application was running, then shutdown the debug session through Eclipse.
  3. Restart the app on device. Note: debugger was shutdown so it wouldn’t re-attach.
  4. Watch the messages in Logcat.
  5. If I saw one message , such as Test1, followed by the NullPointerException with no test message after it, then I knew it was the offending code block, method or property. If it was a method, then I followed the same pattern through the individual lines of code inside that method. This looked very much like you would do with step-thru debugging, except this was done manually. Ugh.

What caused the problem? As time went on, and I was surprised that I had to keep going and going deeper in the code, I became very curious.  It turned out to be a multi-threading bug in a third party library that wasn’t fully initialized even though it had a method to check if initialization was complete. The boolean state property was plainly wrong. This one portion of the library wasn’t taken into account when declaring initialization was complete. And I was trying to access a property that wasn’t initialized. Oops…now that’s a bug.

The workaround? To work around the problem  I simply wrapped the offending property in a try/catch block. Then using the pattern I described in the previous blog post I was able to keep running verification checks until this property was either correctly initialized, or fail after a certain number of attempts. This isn’t 100% ideal, yet it let me keep going forward with the project until the vendor fixes the bug.

Lessons Learned. I’ve done kernel level debugging on Windows applications, but I really didn’t feel like learning how to do it with one or multiple Android devices. I was determined to try and narrow down the bug using the rather primitive tools at hand. The good news is it only took two hours. For me, it reaffirmed my own practice of implementing good error handling because I knew immediately where to start looking. I had multiple libraries and several thousand lines of code to work with. And, as I’ve seen before there are some bugs in Android that simply fail with little meaningful information. By doubling down and taking it step-by-step I was able to mitigate a very visible bug.

Where’s that OS update for my Android?

I’ve talked with many Android users and developers and the question that comes up the most is: why can’t the cell provider or hardware manufacturer provide an OS update for my phone? For example, I doubt that my primary developer phone, a Motorola Atrix, is ever going to see an OS update beyond Android 2.3.6. My idea is reinforced by the fact that its much touted successor, the Atrix 2, only supports v2.3.7 and, as of this writing, Android’s latest release is at 4.0.x.

Why update at all? In my case, there are an increasing number of software requirements that simply can’t be met without significant work-arounds with the older OS versions, for example building dynamic UIs. That’ not to say that upgrading, in itself, doesn’t also involve additional coding to support certain levels of backward compatibility. More on that in a minute. On that note, I’ve also blogged before on the versions of the Android OS being used by the majority of phone users.

In the case of the consumer, you may simply want a new feature like a better camera, or more battery life. Or, perhaps your two year cell plan is expiring and your phone battery isn’t lasting as long, or the phone seems to be getting slower and you would like something new.

The twist. Okay, back to the OS updates. First of all, as customers roll off their two year contract an educated guess is that they’ll want to buy the latest generation phone rather than hang onto their old one which isn’t upgradeable. So many things change in two years that my old phones look ancient, and sometimes downright clunky, compared to the latest and greatest. You may have experienced similar thoughts. This creates huge demand for the “new”. It’s not much different than cars in a way.

Here’s what makes things interesting. It’s a fact that Android makes these updates publicly available. However, the carrier who sold you your phone, and the hardware manufacturer that built it most likely made changes to the operating system and phone firmware that essentially creates a specialized branch of code. So, the Android official update may not necessarily work on your phone. In essence, you’re stuck because the source for these customized OS’s isn’t open.

Reality is it costs money to maintain these unique Android code branches through support resources and software developers to make and test bug fixes. And, it costs even more money to maintain backwards compatibility for older versions of phone firmware or software in parallel with support for all new subsequent releases. If you aren’t familiar with firmware, it provides the lowest level of control on your phone and it’s provided by the phone manufacturer not Android. When new releases of software or firmware happen, you have to make sure you don’t break anything. I have a hunch that it also takes more time for hardware manufacturers to catch up on supporting new Android features than it does for Android to add features. Making hardware changes takes time via a manufacturing process.

This is where phones are different than cars. I’m not aware of a huge aftermarket for upgrading the OS on older phones. Where, in comparison, car parts and service is a big business. So my analogy isn’t 100% perfect.

I also suspect that neither the cell providers, nor the hardware manufacturers, want to be in the software business. That certainly does not appear to be their core competency. After all, the people behind Android are the experts who continue to innovate at lightning speed.

So, putting all of these concepts together makes me a realist, I suppose. I think the odds show little incentive for the stakeholders of my Atrix to bequeath an Android OS update.

Summary. At a national level, adoption of the newer OS’s happens in longer cycles because of cell contracts which affect how often consumers can update. Supporting older phones costs money. And since us consumers push the latest and greatest, the carriers and phone manufacturers respond by being wholly focused on getting new technology into our hands.

On one hand, I cringe at the fact of giving up a decently working phone that I’m very familiar with and possibly relegating it to the back of a rarely used desk drawer. But, on the other hand, what I’ll gain from a pure consumer point-of-view, seems to significantly outweigh that simple fact. The hardware benefits of a new phone include: a much better screen and camera, better battery life management, more powerful CPU and onboard memory. From a software perspective I get support for the latest version of Android which includes the new user interface capabilities along with other behind-the-scenes improvements.

[Edited 6/11/12: Database crashed. Restored Blog Post.]